Our Safety Management System is now according ISO 45001:2018
Our Safety Management System is now according ISO 45001:2018
OHSAS 18001 has been a very useful standard to help, since 2015, our business structure the approach to manage health and safety, but 18001 will be retired in 2021 and we now have an actual international standard in ISO 45001.
To continue to receive the benefits of external validation, moving to ISO 45001 is the best solution for our manufacturing plants. ISO 45001 includes some very important improvements over OHSAS 18001, including greater emphasis on workers and their participation.
Due to the COVID19 outbreak globally, the transition period for migrating accredited certification from OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018 that had been extended until March 2021, ended for Elastomer Solutions on the 2nd of December 2020.
Elastomer Solutions’ safety management system plays a pivotal role in ensuring employees are protected and that Elastomer Solutions assesses the risks to employees and takes all the necessary actions to mitigate those risks while completing its business activities.
Elastomer Solutions has undertaken a series of changes to approval audits, to verify compliance in all regions we operate (Mexico, Morocco, Portugal, Slovakia) and effort from each team at each region were recognized by the Certification Body.